As a company engaged in the business of payroll processing and statutory compliance related to payroll, we wonder if the tax law governing tax exemption on Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) is the most complex tax legislation in India. Not only is the law difficult to understand and interpret but also quite difficult to implement. Each year organizations face significant difficulty while calculating tax exemption on LTA when they carry out the year-end tax compliance work. Let us examine the law and the practice related to calculation of LTA exemption in this post.
Section 10(5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (along with Rule 2B of the Income Tax Rules) governs calculation of tax exemption on LTA. The key conditions as specified by Section 10(5) (and Rule 2B) are as follows.
LTA payment to employees
LTA should have been paid/be payable to an employee if an employee wishes to avail tax exemption on LTA. In other words, if an employee does not receive an amount under a separate head of pay — called for example LTA or LTC — for the purpose of meeting leave travel expenses, the employee cannot avail tax exemption on account of leave travel.
Also, in any particular tax year (Apr to Mar), tax exemption shall be limited to the LTA (or by whatever other name the head of pay for the purpose of meeting leave travel expenses is called) amount which is paid to an employee in that tax year.
An employee is eligible to receive Rs 12,000 in a tax year (Apr to Mar) under the LTA head of pay. However, the employee can choose not to receive the LTA amount in a tax year and he or she can carry forward the LTA amount to the next tax year. What is the maximum LTA amount on which tax exemption should be calculated?
If an employee chooses to receive LTA each year (without carrying it forward), the maximum tax exemption the employee can receive shall be Rs 12,000 per tax year.
If an employee chooses to carry forward the amount in tax year 1 and receives Rs 24,000 under LTA in tax year 2, his LTA tax exemption shall be Rs 0 in tax year 1 since he did not receive any amount under LTA and in tax year 2, the maximum tax exemption he can receive on LTA shall be Rs 24,000.
How often can tax exemption be availed?
The tax exemption on LTA can be availed only in respect of two journeys performed in a block of four calendar years.
This is where the complexity related to calculation of tax exemption on LTA starts. According to the income tax law, an employee should have undertaken leave travel for the purpose of claiming tax exemption and in a block of 4 calendar years the employee can claim tax exemption for 2 journeys.
While income tax is calculated on LTA paid during a tax year (Apr to Mar), the exemption itself shall be provided only for 2 journeys across 4 calendar years. The first block (as specified by the tax department) of 4 calendar years commenced in Jan 1986. We are currently (Oct 2013) in the block starting Jan 2010 and ending in Dec 2013. An employer, before providing tax exemption on LTA, needs to check if the employee has availed tax exemption for more than 2 journeys in the particular block of 4 years. For example, let us assume that an employee claims tax exemption on LTA for the journeys he undertook in Apr 2010 and Apr 2011. If in the tax year Apr 2012 to Mar 2013 the employee claims tax exemption on LTA for the journey he undertook in say, Apr 2012, the employer should not provide any tax exemption since the employee has already used up the tax exemption on 2 journeys in the block (Jan 2010 to Dec 2013).
If an employee works with the same employer through the block of 4 years, the employer will know if the employee has availed tax exemptions for 2 journeys in the block. But if an employee moves from one employer to another during a block of 4 years, the second employer should check with the employee whether the employee has received tax exemption for more than 2 journey thus far in the block from the earlier employer and provide tax exemption accordingly.
In addition to the above, if an employee does not avail tax exemption (for either 1 or 2 journeys) on LTA in a block of 4 calendar years, he or she can avail tax exemption for 1 journey in the first year of the next block of 4 years. In other words, an employee can avail up to 3 exemptions in a block of 4 years if the employee did not avail tax exemption on 1 or 2 journeys in the previous 4 year block.
The income tax act only talks about a maximum of 2 (or 3) journeys for the purpose of tax exemption in a block of 4 years. An employee can undertake both the journeys in the first year and claim tax exemption in the first year itself. If 2 journeys are undertaken in the first year itself, the employee has to wait for the next block of 4 years before he can avail tax exemption on LTA.
We wonder how the income tax department came up with the idea of looking at calendar year for the purpose of LTA tax exemption. Maybe the calendar year idea came from statutes such as the Shops and Establishments Act which mandate providing leave to employees as per calendar year.
Also, why a maximum of 2 tax exemptions in a block of 4 years? Employers find it difficult to keep track of the number of times an employee avails tax exemption on LTA. The tax department could allow tax exemption on LTA each tax year. This would make the life of employers easy. After all, what is wrong in encouraging people to take a vacation each year instead of twice every 4 calendar years?
What does “travel expense” mean?
Travel expenses refer to the cost of travel (ticket fare etc.) alone. Expenses on boarding, lodging, sightseeing etc. should not be considered for the purpose of tax exemption. In addition, travel expenses should pertain to leave travel within India. Expenses on overseas travel cannot be considered for the calculation of tax exemption.
Can travel expenses of an employee’s family be considered?
Yes, travel expenses incurred on both the employee and his/her family members can be considered for tax exemption subject to the following conditions.
a. The employee should have taken leave from his organization and travelled along with his/her family members for availing the tax exemption. In other words, if an employee does not travel, the travel expenses of his family members cannot be considered for tax exemption.
b. “Family” in this regard means (i) the spouse and children of the employee, and (ii) the parents, brothers and sisters of the employee provided that they are wholly or mainly dependent on the employee. Please note that if the parents, brothers and sisters of the employee are not dependent on the employee, their travel expenses cannot be considered for the purpose of tax exemption.
There is a twist with regard to the travel expenses of an employee’s children as per sub-rule (4) of rule 2B of the Income Tax Rules. Tax exemption on LTA is not be admissible to more than two surviving children born after 1-Oct-1998. This restriction is not however applicable in respect of children born before 1-Oct-1998, and also in cases where an employee, after getting one child, begets multiple children (twins/triplets/quadruplets, etc.) on the second occasion. In other words:
- the exemption is admissible to all surviving children born before 1-Oct-1998;
- the exemption is admissible to only two surviving children born on or after 1-Oct-1998. However, if an employee after his or her first child, begets twins, triplets etc. the multiple children (twins, triplets etc.) on the second occasion will be counted as one child only.
Also, Section 2 (15B) of the Income Tax Act defines a child as including step-child and an adopted child of an employee.
Why should the income tax law penalize employees if they have more than 2 children by not extending the law to cover travel expenses of the third (and subsequent) children unless they are twins, triplets etc.? Why can’t the tax department be considerate towards families with more than 2 children? Surely, there must be better ways of incentivizing people to keep their families small!
Many people believe that the entire travel expense can be considered for tax exemption. Not quite. There are several conditions one needs to consider in order to arrive at the exact amount of tax exemption. After having read this post so far, if you believe that the conditions for availing tax exemption on LTA are onerous, just wait until you read the next post which will deal with the the calculation of tax exemption on LTA in detail and also the issues faced by employers while administering tax exemption on LTA.
After reading the next post you will appreciate why we wonder whether the tax law governing tax exemption on LTA is among the most complex legislations to read and put in practice.
I joined the company on 01.10.2011 on provisional period for 1year and after one year they extended the provisional 1year. and recently in 2013 the confirmed me so, I can claim LTA. but I am confused about the 2011-13 is lubse. Please clarify.
We are unable to understand your question. Can you please rephrase it?
LTA is not claimed with employer, can it be claimed while filing I Tax return ?
No, there is no provision in the return for employees to claim tax exemption on LTA.
I made a travel in the month of December 2013 and I am making a claim of LTA for the same in February 2014 for the earlier block only (2010-2013).
I have not used any LTA in the previous block of 2010-2013.
Further, I am going on leave in March 2014 and wants to claim the same in March 2014 for the current block of 2014-2017.
So Can I claim two LTAs in FY14 though both of them are for different blocks.
Your early reply would be very helpful.
Nikhil Rungta
Yes, you can claim 2 tax exemptions for both the blocks in FY 2013-14.
I have made travels for my LTA claim, and these travelling were not in single up and down mode, there was a journey break and continued through connecting other train and local taxi to complete my tour. These all travels were done during my LTA leave period, and I have all the bills for travel expenses (Trains and taxi), now suggest me wheather I can claim my entire travelling expenses as LTA claim or only single journey will be considered as non taxable and rest all travel exepenses are taxable. Please answer
You can consider the entire leave travel (multi-mode and to many places) as a single travel and seek tax exemption. The steps are as follows.
1. Determine the place of origin and the place of destination. The place of destination shall be the farthest place visited from the place of origin.
2. Calculate the first AC train fare from the place of origin to the place of destination by the shortest route (as though you took the shortest route). Since you travelled by more than one mode of transport, the equivalent first AC train fare shall be the reference amount for the purpose of tax exemption.
3. Compare the LTA amount received, the actual travel expenses incurred and the first AC train fare. The least of the 3 shall be the LTA tax exemption amount.
I have not claimed LTA in 2010-2013 block and Now I am plannignto claim LTA in the month of April 2014, can I able to claim previous block LTA in this block 2014-2017?
Is there any provision to claim LTA without supportings and en-cash the same by deducting tax on the amount, if yes what is the tax amount deductions in such cases??
1. Since you didn’t claim LTA exemption in 2010-13, you can claim one additional exemption in first year of the 2014-2017 block. Hence, in 2014-17 you can claim a maximum of 3 tax exemptions.
2. Employers need to receive supporting documents and only then calculate LTA exemption. This is as per the circular from the Income Tax Department.
Hi – on the carry forward rule,
1) for the one travel that is carried forward to the 2014-17 block, should the travel dates be necessarily after Jan 2014? OR is it that the carried forward travel needs to be of a date falling in the 2010-13 block?
The travel date for the “carry forward” tax exemption should be after Jan 14 (in the new block).
I think you are not also not consistent on this type of situation. Earlier in case of Nikhil Rungta you have different opinion. Please check and clarify. In that case he is asking for to claim expenditure of journey performed during 2010-13 block in next year.
I am unable to understand your point. Please elaborate. The question pertaining to the current thread is about claiming the carry forward exemption while the earlier question (you have referred to) was about claiming two exemptions for travels in different blocks but within the same financial year.
1.I have filled LTA in OCT-2013 for 30k for the first time within the block 2010-2013.Could you please let me know if i can go LTA for 3 times in the block 2014-2017.
2.What is the one year eligibility of LTA.
3.What is the total block eligibility for LTA.
1. Since you didn’t claim 1 exemption in 2010-13, you can claim 3 exemptions in 2014-17. But please note that you need to take one exemption (of the 3 exemptions) in the first year (2014) itself.
2. The LTA tax exemption in a year is dependent on the the total LTA you receive from your organization, your travel expenses and the rules that govern exemption calculation.
3. In a block of 4 years you can claim tax exemption for a maximum of 2 times (or 3 times in case you didn’t claim one or both exemptions in the previous block).
I have not claimed any LTA in block 2010-13. I made travel in February 2014. I hope I can claim tax exemption for financial year 2013-14. Please confirm?
Further, I am planning to go on vacation during May 2014. This will be my second journey in same calender year (but different financial year). Can I claim tax exemption in financial year 2014-15?
If answer to my second question is yes, then I would make two travel for LTA block of 2014-17 and cannot further claim LTA till 2017. Is it true?
Thanks, SK
“I have not claimed any LTA in block 2010-13. I made travel in February 2014. I hope I can claim tax exemption for financial year 2013-14. Please confirm?”
Hinote: Yes, you can claim the exemption for FY 2013-14.
“Further, I am planning to go on vacation during May 2014. This will be my second journey in same calender year (but different financial year). Can I claim tax exemption in financial year 2014-15?”
Hinote: Yes, you can claim the exemption for FY 2014-15.
“If answer to my second question is yes, then I would make two travel for LTA block of 2014-17 and cannot further claim LTA till 2017. Is it true?”
Hinote: Yes, you cannot claim further exemption for the block 2014-17.
Thanks for your reply. One further clarification:
“I have not claimed any LTA in block 2010-13. I made travel in February 2014. I hope I can claim tax exemption for financial year 2013-14. Please confirm?”
Hinote: Yes, you can claim the exemption for FY 2013-14.
For above travel, can I apply for tax exemption in FY 2014-15?
If yes, than I will have two claims for FY 2014-15, one for Feb travel another for May travel. Possible?
“For above travel, can I apply for tax exemption in FY 2014-15?”
Hinote: It depends on when you receive the LTA amount from the employer. If you received the LTA amount to cover the said travel expenses in 2013-14 itself, you cannot claim the tax exemption in 2014-15. If you receive the LTA amount (to cover the said travel expenses) in 2014-15, you can claim the exemption in 2014-15.
“If yes, than I will have two claims for FY 2014-15, one for Feb travel another for May travel. Possible?”
Hinote: Yes, if the claim is made in 2014-15, it would mean 2 claims in 2014-15. It is possible.
Dear Team ,
My query towards the LTA calim,
For eg. iam working qith company situated at delhi and work at delhi office of it,
My home town is say Mumbai, i want to claim the LTA form Mumbai to Hyderbad (vacation spot), can i calim the LTA from mumbai to hyderbad, or it is compulsory to travel form DELHI TO MUMBAI TO HYDERABAD.
There is nothing in the tax law which dictates that the leave travel should originate from, end at, or pass through the place of work or home town. Hence, you can claim exemption for your leave travel irrespective of the places you visit within India.
In the block of 2010-2013, i have not claimed LTA.
me and my wife traveled in dec.2013 My salary of March received on 25th March.2014
we are again travelling in April 2014. How can i claim LTA and For LTA date of booking ticket matter or date of travel. Your earlier reply be highly appreciated,
Tax exemption on LTA is based on date of travel and not booking date. For the travel you propose to undertake in April 2014, you can claim tax exemption for the LTA block 2014-2017.
For the block of 4 years from Jan 2010 to Dec 2013 I have never claim LTA.
For the period from Jan 2010 to Jan 2013, I was employed with one employer (Employer 1) and since mid of January 2013 to until now (March 2014)I am employed with new organization (Employer 2).
While being employed with employer 2, I took a vacation leave and travelled for duration from 25th March to 31st March 2013.
I am trying to claim exemption for the LTA travel expenses that I incurred in above travel?
When I wanted to claim exemption for the above travel employer 2 in April 2014, I was told that I need to complete one year with Organization to claim LTA (Company Policy).
1. After Completing one year in January 2014, when i was submitting the documents proof for the travel, they did not excepted the travel documents with the reason that the travel has to be from the current/same financial year (April 2013 – March 2014) – is this correct?
I presume for the LTA travel, it is calendar year that is considered and for the tax calculation purpose they could have exempted for the LTA amount paid to me in FY 2013-14. How much of this logic stands good. Can you direct me to some legitimate source of information for this.
2. Now since company has already processed the salary for the month of March’14 (after 18th March), can I claim the exemption while filling the return (AS 2014-15, FY2013-14) for the travel made in March 2013? (Provided they gave me the salary under head LTA as taxable amount & I claim the exemption while filing the return)?
3. If the answer to question 1 is yes that travel has to be from the same financial year, can I file revised return for the FY 2012-13 (AY 2013-14), since the travel was between period FY April 2012-March 2013 (25 mar to 31st march’13) and also the form 16 provided by employer1 for FY 2012-13 has amount paid reflected under head “Free or Concessional Travel” under perquisite.
4. Or is the whole issue with this travel (as per above logic being answer to question 1 is yes & to question 2 is no) is, since the travel was in the 2nd half of the March 2013, by when the salary processing of the organization for the month of March & financial year is completed, I would never be able to claim for any travel made after 18th March (after which no claims submitted will be be processed by organization being their cutoff)) How much of this is correct?
Kindly guide..
“1. After Completing one year in January 2014, when i was submitting the documents proof for the travel, they did not excepted the travel documents with the reason that the travel has to be from the current/same financial year (April 2013 – March 2014) – is this correct?
I presume for the LTA travel, it is calendar year that is considered and for the tax calculation purpose they could have exempted for the LTA amount paid to me in FY 2013-14. How much of this logic stands good. Can you direct me to some legitimate source of information for this.”
Hinote: The law does not explicitly bar your claiming tax exemption on LTA for travel made in the earlier financial year as long as you didn’t receive the leave travel allowance to cover the expenses of the said travel in the earlier financial year.
However, employers typically insist that the travel should be made in the same financial year since it is easier for them to verify travel documents.
“2. Now since company has already processed the salary for the month of March’14 (after 18th March), can I claim the exemption while filling the return (AS 2014-15, FY2013-14) for the travel made in March 2013? (Provided they gave me the salary under head LTA as taxable amount & I claim the exemption while filing the return)?”
Hinote: No, you cannot. There is no provision in the tax return for assessees to claim tax exemption on LTA. If your employer does not calculate the tax exemption on LTA, you lose it.
“3. If the answer to question 1 is yes that travel has to be from the same financial year, can I file revised return for the FY 2012-13 (AY 2013-14), since the travel was between period FY April 2012-March 2013 (25 mar to 31st march’13) and also the form 16 provided by employer1 for FY 2012-13 has amount paid reflected under head “Free or Concessional Travel” under perquisite.”
Hinote: No, you cannot. There is no provision in the tax return for assessees to claim tax exemption on LTA. If your employer does not calculate the tax exemption on LTA, you lose it.
“4. Or is the whole issue with this travel (as per above logic being answer to question 1 is yes & to question 2 is no) is, since the travel was in the 2nd half of the March 2013, by when the salary processing of the organization for the month of March & financial year is completed, I would never be able to claim for any travel made after 18th March (after which no claims submitted will be be processed by organization being their cutoff)) How much of this is correct?”
Hinote: Unfortunately, organizations do not entertain LTA tax exemption requests made for travel in late March since they do not have sufficient time to complete payroll formalities.
Thanks Gautham for your kind help and precise answers!
I have joined company in March 2010 & claimed first LTA of 2011. Later on I have made my second LTA claim for 2011 & 2012 in 2013. Now I come to know that year block for LTA is 2014 to 2017. So can you tell me how can I claim my LTA of 2013 to regularized with current year block of 2014-2017?
You cannot claim tax exemption on LTA each year. The law permits 2 tax exemptions in a block of 4 years. For 2014-17, you can claim LTA exemption twice.
Hello Gautham,
Thanks for your reply.
May i get my LTA of 2013 from my company if I ask them to deduct applicable tax from my LTA amount or I will not get back though it was included in my CTC amount.
Akshay Bakshi
You can check with your company in this regard.
I am a pensioner of Punjab Govt. and I am paid Rs.27045 in January 2014 by the bank which pay me the pension, after each block of 2 years. The bank deduct the tax on this amount also. I also travel widely and my expenditure is more than what I get. May I get tax relief on this amount and how?
You can claim tax exemption on LTA only if your organization pays you an amount under a specific head of pay which refers to leave travel allowance. Also, your employer should calculate the tax exemption on the LTA paid to you on the basis of the proof of leave travel produced by you.
If you were paid LTA in Jan 14, your organization can calculate tax exemption for 2013-14.
I am eligible for a LTA of 24000/- per year. I am planning for a vacation in September 2014, but the travel expenses does not sum up to 24000/-, so if i make another travel till december 2014 can i sum up both the amounts and claim my LTA.
Yes, you can. However, the 2 travels will be counted as 2 LTA tax exemptions. You cannot sum up both and claim just a single exemption.
I have travelled on April 2013. Can i get the tax exemption for current year if i submit this year(Jun-2014)
Your organization may not consider your request for tax exemption since the journey was undertaken in the previous financial year.
Hi Gautham,
I have not claimed LTA in block 2010-2013 and missed to claim it as I have travelled in December 2013. Based on Carry forward rules can I claim the same bill in the next block i.e 2014-2017?
As per the LTA tax exemption rules, the carried forward exemption should be for a journey undertaken in the first year of the next block i.e. 2014-17 in your case. Hence, the journey undertaken in Dec 13 cannot be considered for carry forward exemption.
I am eligible for claiming the exemption for LTA, I have given lta bill to our employer they have rejected my travel bill (only vehicle bill) becasue the only reason for service tax number not furnished by service provider bill. they have not eligble to get service tax no they are doing business with in 10 lakh limit. is it correct please give suggestion in this regards
with regards
The employer has to be convinced that the travel expense bill is a valid one. You present the reason to your employer and request them to accept the bill.
I have a typical scenario for travel during my leaves. Please advice which will be the best approach to file for the LTA.
F = Father
M = Mother
S = Sister
Me = Myself
12 Jul; F,M,S travel by Rail(I do not travel with them); Bhopal to Bangalore; Rs 8200
12 Jul; Me travel by Rail; Mumbai to Bangalore; Rs 500
13 Jul; F,M,S and Me (we all travel by Rail); Bangalore to Mysore; Rs 1800
14 Jul; F,M,Me (travel by Rail); Mysore to Bangalore; Rs 300
15 Jul; F,M,Me (travel by Air); Bangalore to Mumbai; Rs 8500
15 Jul; F,M,Me (travel by Rail); Mumbai to Bhopal; Rs 1400
22 Jul; Me (travel by Rail); Bhopal to Mumbai; Rs 500.
Please suggest which of these I can file for an LTA. Much appreciated.
I presume your entire travel from 12-Jul to 22-Jul was a single leave travel.
“12 Jul; F,M,S travel by Rail(I do not travel with them); Bhopal to Bangalore; Rs 8200”
The above leg cannot be considered for exemption calculation since you were not among the travellers.
The law provides for calculation of exemption for travel from the place of origin to the farthest place by a single mode of transport. Since you did not travel by air to all the places, we will need to look train as the mode of transport.
If we assume that the place of origin is Mumbai, we can calculate the Mumbai – Mysore (the farthest place from Mumbai) first AC train fare and compare it with the actual amount spent. However, since your parents and sister didn’t travel with you the entire distance (from Mumbai to Bangalore you travelled alone), we will have to exclude the expenses incurred on their travel from the purpose of exemption calculation.
If we assume that the place of origin is Bangalore, we can calculate the Bangalore – Bhopal (the farthest place from Bangalore) first AC train fare and compare it with the actual amount spent. However, since your sister didn’t travel with you the entire distance, we will have to exclude the expenses incurred on your sister’s travel from the purpose of exemption calculation.
I am entitled to a LTA of RS. 55000 p.a. However my travel bill (ticket) is for around Rs. 20000 only.
I wanted to understand that is the tax exemption only on the Rs. 20000 (for which I have the travel ticket/bill)? And the remaining amount (Rs. 35000) provided after deduction of tax at source.
Yes, the tax exemption cannot be more than the actual travel expense, i.e. Rs 20,000 in your case. The remaining Rs 35,000 will be fully taxable.
I have availed four year ltc in May 2013 for block year 2010-2013. Again I have availed ltc in May 2014 for block year 2014-2017. Can I go for claiming the reimbursement of the bills?
Yes, you can, as long as your organisation allows the reimbursement.
I am on office travel from Delhi to Bangalore.
my wife and kid are also traveling to Bangalore for a week and we all would return back together.
My trip expenses are paid by the company and for my family tickets I have paid myself.
Wanted to understand what all can I claim as LTA in this situation. Could you please advise.
Since you are on official travel, you cannot count this as leave travel and hence cannot claim tax exemption on LTA. You also cannot claim exemption on your family’s travel expense since you (as the employee) should have travelled with them on leave travel.
Thanks Gautham,
btw.. can I claim LTA for the return trip (for my family’s travel expenses) where I’ll be traveling with them. Also, we are planning short trips around Bangalore together over the weekends / national holidays. Would that be eligible?
Thanks for your inputs.
“btw.. can I claim LTA for the return trip (for my family’s travel expenses) where I’ll be traveling with them.”
Ans: No, you cannot. This is because you are on official travel and not leave travel. Please note that both the below conditions should be satisfied for you to be able to claim tax exemption on LTA.
a. The employee should be on leave travel and
b. The employee should be travelling along with family members.
“Also, we are planning short trips around Bangalore together over the weekends / national holidays. Would that be eligible?”
a. Leave travel means you should have taken off from work by applying for leave (say, Privilege Leave) in your organization. Your leave days may include weekends and public holidays. However, travelling during weekends and public holidays alone cannot be considered as leave travel.
b. Leave travel should be from place A to place B. Local travel expenses (auto fare etc.) cannot be considered. Of course, if you live in Bangalore, you can travel to a place like Nandi Hills by cab and claim tax exemption on LTA. But you need to decide whether you wish to exhaust LTA tax exemptions on such short trips.
Thanks Gautham.
Much appreciated.
Hi Gautham,
This query is related to tax exemption and not claiming. I receive my LTA component every month and the expenses have been within the limit. The following is my scenario:
I had been on leave for my marriage from April to May 2014. Lets assume the that I am traveling from A (where I work) to B (my home town) and my total travel expense is say, Rs 9,000.
A–>B Rs 5000: While travelling from A to B, I was travelling alone.
B–>A Rs 4000: While travelling from B to A after my marriage, I was travelling along with my wife.
How much amount can I ask for tax exemption? Will it be whole of Rs 9,000 or Rs 7,000? As per the Finance officials of my Organization, I will be exempted Rs 7,000 (Rs 5000+ Rs2000) as my wife did not accompany me frm A to B, I can cannot ask for exemption for her travel from B to A
Please clarify.
The maximum exemption you can claim is Rs 9,000. The actual exemption, however, will depend on factors such as mode of transport. I presume you have received Rs 9,000 (or more) under the head LTA in the year.
The expenses incurred on your wife’s travel can be considered. The law does not require your wife to have travelled with you both ways.
Thanks a lot for the prompt reply..
I travelled from Chennai to Portblair with my parents & brother and total amount comes around 40K.
When i was raising the LTA claim, the system gives and error saying I cannot raise the claim as the parents are in service !
Is there a clause which restricts parents from being excluded if they are in service ?
Could you provide some clarity on this
If your parents are not financially dependent on the employee, their travel expenses cannot be considered for the purpose of tax exemption. Since your parents are in service, one can assume that they are not dependent on you.
I have one concern last block was 2010-2013 & now new block started i.e 2014-2017.
I had journey on 31st March 2014 & 7th apr 2014.
So can I show 31st March 2014 travel expenses in this years LTA?
Yes, you can.
I traveled in Nov 2014 on my own expenses . Now I want to claim LTA in January 2015 for the said journey (same financial year). Does IT rule allow for tax exemption of the this journey. My employer is not entertaining this journey for tax exemption.
The IT rules allows exemption. However, you need to route it through your employer. Please note that your employer has to pay an amount under a specific head called leave travel allowance/concession and should scrutinize your leave travel bills.
Hi – Need a help. I travelled in Feb 2014. Did not claim the exemption in the tax year 2013-14. I would like to claim the same expenses, in the tax year 2014-15 . Is it allowed please?
It is allowed. However, some organizations may not allow their employees to claim tax benefit on leave travel undertaken in the previous year.
Hi Gautham,
You are doing an outstanding job!
My Query:
1. Can employer pay LTA monthly?
2. Will tax be deducted monthly on such LTA?
3. What if I travel only in March 2015, and submit my bills at end of month, how does the tax one has already paid be returned by employer to employee who has already deducted the same for all preceeding months where LTA was paid monthly as part of salary.
4. Can LTA be claimed if it is grouped under flexi allowance with employer suggesting that it can be used by employee for such purposes?
5. If the same is grouped under special allowance with no limit, can any amount of LTA be claimed? Does the employer have to mention the Limit of LTA?
6. What can be the limit the employer can set for LTA? If my employer allows for flexible design and we have choice to advise the claims, can i suggest any amount of LTA?
1. Can employer pay LTA monthly?
Ans: Yes
2. Will tax be deducted monthly on such LTA?
Ans: Ideally yes. However, some companies provide tax benefit on the monthly LTA payments on the basis of the declarations made by employees and seek travel proof by the end of the year.
3. What if I travel only in March 2015, and submit my bills at end of month, how does the tax one has already paid be returned by employer to employee who has already deducted the same for all preceeding months where LTA was paid monthly as part of salary.
Ans: You can get tax benefit if your company allows you to submit (at the beginning of the year) a declaration regarding leave travel. Please see the answer to the previous question.
4. Can LTA be claimed if it is grouped under flexi allowance with employer suggesting that it can be used by employee for such purposes?
Ans: You need to be paid under a specific head of pay called “Leave Travel Allowance” or something similar for you to claim the tax benefit. The LTA head itself can be a flexi-allowance.
5. If the same is grouped under special allowance with no limit, can any amount of LTA be claimed? Does the employer have to mention the Limit of LTA?
Ans: Please see the answer to the previous question. The LTA amount should be clearly specified in the records related to employee payments.
6. What can be the limit the employer can set for LTA? If my employer allows for flexible design and we have choice to advise the claims, can i suggest any amount of LTA?
Ans: The limit is entirely up to the employer or the employee. Please ensure that the LTA amount is not less than the likely travel expense.
Hi Gautham,
I have not claimed LTA in block 2010-2013 and missed to claim it. I have travelled in December 2014. Based on Carry forward rules can I claim this in the next block i.e 2014-2017 and in my my income tax filing for 2014 -2015? And will i be able to make 2 further claims before 2017?
The travel date for the “carry forward” tax exemption should be after Jan 14 (in the new block). Yes, you can seek 2 further tax exemptions in or before 2017.
I am planning to take a journey from 28 March, 2015 to 04 April, 2015. Tickets are booked already. In which financial year, can i claim it ?
In whichever year you receive the LTA amount from your organization.
Every year actually.
It means in any financial year, I can claim. Right ?
Yes, you can.
I am entitled for three LTA exemptions in present block (2014-2017) as i missed one in last block. So Can i claim two LTA exemptions together i.e. for two journeys done in same year (Aug 2014 & in Sep 2014 respectively)?
The journeys you undertook fall in the financial year 2014-15 which is already over. It is unlikely that your organization will provide any tax exemption on the expenses incurred for those journeys given that your organization would have finalized the Form 16 for FY 2014-15 by now.
The tax law does not restrict you from claiming 2 LTA exemptions in the same year.
I am processing the salary for my unit cosist of 50 employee. I received the LTA bill which journy was performed in the month Feb, 2014 & bill dated also feb, 2014. Now can i consider it for tax exemption in FY 15-16.
We would suggest that you do not consider it. If the journey was done in FY 2013-14, the tax benefit should have been claimed in the same financial year.
Request your expert advise on below query:
For Block 2006-09 – No LTA claimed
For Block 2010-13 – Two LTAs claimed – One in Oct’10 and other in Dec’11
Now the issue is – I traveled in Jul’13 however due to certain reasons could not take the LTA exempt in 2013 but took it in 2014. Now I am curious if there is a way if I can still take two LTA exempts in block 2014-17 as my Feb’14 exempt was for the journey made in Jul’13.
Would appreciate your prompt reply !
Request your expert advise on below query:
For Block 2006-09 – No LTA claimed
For Block 2010-13 – Two LTAs claimed – One in Oct’10 and other in Dec’11
Now the issue is – I traveled in Jul’13 however due to certain reasons could not take the LTA exempt in 2013 but took it in Feb’2014. Now I am curious if there is a way if I can still take two LTA exempts in block 2014-17 as my Feb’14 exempt was for the journey made in Jul’13.
Would appreciate your prompt reply !
Yes, you can take 2 exemptions in the block 2014-17 (in addition to the exemption for the Feb 14 travel).
Thanks Gautham for your quick reply. If possible, could you please give justification around this scenario so that I can provide to the same to my company’s Finance department !
Here is the justification.
1. Block 2006-09 – No exemption availed and hence 3 exemptions are available for the block 2010-13 with the 1st exemption to be claimed in the first year (2010) of the block.
2. Block 2010-13 – Ankur claims the carry forward exemption in Oct 10 (the first year of the new block). Post Oct 10 exemption, Ankur is eligible to claim 2 exemptions in the block 2010-13.
3. In Dec 11 Ankur claims an exemption for the block 2010-13 and is left with one exemption which he does not claim until the end of the block.
4. On account of the unclaimed exemption in 2010-13, Ankur has 3 exemptions available for the block 2014-17 with the 1st exemption to be claimed in the first year (2014).
5. Ankur claims the carry forward exemption in Feb 14 and is left with 2 exemptions which he may utilize before the end of the block 2014-17.
Hope this convinces your finance department!
Wow !
Many Thanks Gautham – You Rock !
Hi Gautham,
We get the LTA as component of monthly salary. Annual LTA is 15000 and its divided in 12 months. Its paid each month. And its taxed as well unless specified in declaration form.
Since we can use LTA only twice in a block of four years, I have following question:
Current block – 14-17
If I travel and use LTA in year 2015, I get exemption on Rs:15000 for this year, but what about my LTA amount in previous year ?
Its already paid to me and taxed as well.
1) Can I get exemption on that amount(from 2014) this year, i.e. exemption on total Rs: 30,000? Can it be done while filing ITR ? Which tax rules govern i, as I need to inform in office ?
2) Any other way to get exemption on such last year’s amount ? Cause if I travel again in 2017, what abt my 2016 LTA ?
Please reply.
1) Can I get exemption on that amount(from 2014) this year, i.e. exemption on total Rs: 30,000? Can it be done while filing ITR ? Which tax rules govern i, as I need to inform in office ?
Ans: The tax benefit in 2015 can be only for the LTA amount paid in 2015. The amount paid in 2014 cannot be used to claim tax benefit in 2015. For the amount pertaining to any past year, you cannot claim the benefit in your tax return.
2) Any other way to get exemption on such last year’s amount ? Cause if I travel again in 2017, what abt my 2016 LTA ?
Ans: If you travel in 2017, the tax benefit can be only for the amount paid to your during that financial year.
Thanks for detailed info.
I suppose I will go ahead with your info, as I could not find any tax rule stating what I wanted.
I also read this below link, which states otherwise:
“Does claiming LTA in alternate years mean that the two year entitlement gets added together? It does. If you are entitled to an LTA of Rs.10,000 per year and do not utilize it for the the first year it is carried forward to the next year. In the second year you can claim the entire amount (Rs.20,000) as tax exempt provided you spend it according to the specification in LTA tax laws as detailed above.”
Any idea, about it ?
The text you have quoted is not in conflict with what I stated earlier. In your case, the LTA amount is paid each month and hence during the same year (of payment), the LTA amount will have to be taxed, with or without tax benefits.
In the text you have quoted, it is stated that if LTA is not paid in the first year and is carried forward to the second year, you can seek tax exemption on the LTA amount paid in the second year. For you to benefit, your organization should not pay you any LTA in the first year and should pay you both the first and second year LTA amounts in the second year which is the year of your leave travel.
The LTA amount you get paid in a year is a key determinant of the extent of taxability in that year.
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation.
That clarifies all the doubts.
Hi.. i have availed LTA from Jan 2015. Every month around 1750 rs detected from my salary. But unfortunately am going to releave from my organization in December first week. Probably i will get the LTA amount in the end of december month payrole only. in this case i can get the money or not? Yes, i cant claim this for tax exclusion but whatever amount taken from my salary should be get right? Please clarify..
Not sure what you mean by LTA (pay component) getting deducted from your salary. With regard to LTA featuring in your Dec salary, please check with your HR.
can a company make a provision of outstanding liability of LTA which is not paid to the employees for the respective financial year and carry forward the same to next financial year?
If yes, how does it affect employees tax calculation?
The taxation of LTA shall be in the year in which the accrual happens (the payment may happen in the same year or later).
I am planning to travel under LTA in the month of February’16 and would produce documentary evidence of travel in March’16. Hence my company will deduct tax on LTA considering it as taxable in the month of January’16. Can I claim tax exemption of LTA while filing IT return in July-Aug’16 ?
It may not be possible. You need to claim it through your employer.
I have applied for LTA leave for 6 days including national holiday(26th January).
Can LTA leave be claimed including 26th january (national holiday)?
Please check with your employer in this regard.
If the employee travels alone and the family travels alone to the same destination! due to availability of lesser seats!
Then can the employee claim the LTA exemption for full family travel expense or only his expense?
If the employee travels alone, his travel expense alone can be considered for exemption calculation.
I am a Central Govt. Officer. I had booked ticket on 05.12.2015 for availing Home Town LTC for the year 2015 with my family members. I have decided to avail my Home Town LTC in two parts. The onward date of journey for my family members was 23.12.2015 however I planned to proceed for the journey on 31.12.20015. The return journey was planned on 04.01.2015 with my family members in a single group.
I took advance from my office and booked Air ticket for me and my family member. But after booking my ticket my office sent me Delhi on 31.12.2015 the date I had planned for going LTC. Considering the urgency of job the Competent Authority has approved my official tour for Delhi, however, my family members proceeded for journey as per plan submitted by me while taking LTC Advance. Since I could not availed LTC (due to official reason) my Income Tax is deducted from my salary because as per Income Tax rules employee should take leave and avail LTC for claiming Tax exemption.
Whether I can get exemption because my intention was to avail the LTC but due to public interest I have cancelled my LTC. So I can not be penalized for doing genuine urgent Govt. Job.
Unfortunately, the income tax rules require that an employee should have travelled for exemption eligibility. The fact that you could not go on leave travel on account of official work is a matter internal to your organization. You will need to take this issue up with your superior officials. The income tax rules will have to be adhered to for availing tax benefit on leave travel.
Thank you Gautham. Sorry, I have repeated my question in some other topic of this forum. I got my answer. Although I lost Rs. 12000/- as additional income Tax, I am having satisfaction that I completed my job in time. Thank you once again for your reply.
I have travelled on 25th March 2016 and returned on 10th April 2016.
I have not claimed LTA for the Cycle 2014-17.
question is, can I claim Tax benefit for the both the journeys (onward & return) in FY 2016-17. Please advise
Kindly check with your organization in this regard. Your organization may not accept travel bills related to the “to” journey which falls in the earlier year for tax processing related to FY 2016-17.
I have LTA as a part of my salary.
My Privilege Leave applied from 3rd to 7th oct 2016.
But I have booked air ticket economy class (Kolkata to Delhi) on 2nd oct 2016 & return on 9th oct 2016.
My question – Can I get LTA for weekends (Sat/Sun) as my office is closed on weekends and leave cannot be applied on weekends?
The answer to your question lies in the LTA rules followed by your organization. Kindly check with your HR team on this.
Tax exemption is provided in respect of LTA. Now when i am calculating income tax the gross salary does not include LTA. So how can i get benefited in respect of the exemption provided when it is not included in gross salary like other allowances and perquisites with their exemption limits.
Kindly through some light on it.
LTA has to be included in the gross salary and the tax exemption on LTA should be shown under Section 10 exemption, for income tax calculation.
Hi Team,
I have travelled from
Mumbai – chennai and while returning I came from banglore to Mumbai. Am i eligible for LTA
Note : I took 3 days Leave as per company policy.
Thanks in Advance 🙂
Yes, you are.
Origin: Mumbai
Destination: Chennai (farthest place from the place of origin)
You should calculate the first AC train fare from Mumbai to Chennai. In case the actual travel expense is higher than the first AC train fare, the LTA exemption should be limited to the first AC train fare.
I understand the present block is 2014 to 2017.
In this block I have not claimed tax exemption yet. However in 2014-15, 2015-16 , the company has paid my entitled LTA amount after tax deduction, to me.
For FY 2016-17 , can I now claim tax exemption for one journey of April 2014 and one journey of Dec 2016 ? Please need your expert advise
For FY 2016-17, you can claim exemption on the LTA amount paid to you in FY 2016-17. You can claim exemption for the journey made in Dec 2016 since it falls within the financial year 2016-17. Your organization may not accept bills related to Apr 2014 since it pertains to an earlier financial year.
Dear Gautham
Many thanks for your prompt reply.
I have done a journey in Feb 2017. Can I then claim this for FY2016-17 as the 2nd journey of the 4 year block (the first journey being the Dec 2016 which you said is possible)
Which means – can I claim the entitled 2 journeys in the same FY ?
Thanks for your help.
There is nothing in law which bars an employee from claiming 2 exemptions within the same financial year.
Dear Gautham
My family travelled few days before to our home town and I joined with them little later and we all are returned together. Can I claim LTA
With Best Regards
PBV Subrahmanyam
Yes, you can.
1. You should consider your journey expense alone for the onward journey.
2. You can consider your family’s travel expense (subject to LTA exemption tax rules) along with yours for the return journey.
Sir Can I claim exemption on travel of my mother in low for LTA calculation.
Pl. guide. Thanks V. K. Pachisia
No, you cannot.
I am planning to claim my LTA from Oct 18 to Oct 27 2017. My wife and kid went to my home town little early Oct. 8, 2017 and we came together back to my working place on Oct 30, 2017.
Can I claim, my wife and kid early journey (for going that was on Oct 8) along with this claim?
If not, then can I claim my journey to hometown and return along with my family.
Please advise?
Can I claim, my wife and kid early journey (for going that was on Oct 8) along with this claim?
Ans: No, since you did not travel with them.
If not, then can I claim my journey to hometown and return along with my family.
Ans: Yes, you can.
Journey is based on Train, Air and Uber taxi (transport to airport). hope all can be claimed?
Yes, all modes of transport can be considered. However, the tax exemption should be calculated as per the income tax rules.
Thank you so much.
For the trip I am claiming for LTA, one of my Kids Joined us 1 day later( same origin and destination cities) and then we all travelled together for the rest of the trip.
Can I claim the LTA including the ticket cost for the Kid who joined us 1 day late(means, travelled separately for onward journey)?
Please let me know.
No, you cannot. Your child should have travelled with you for you to be able to claim tax exemption on the child’s travel expense.